1. Click the “Book a Simulation” link below to access the PHC Simulation Google sheet.
  2. Fill out all necessary information regarding your simulation
    • Note: When inputting start and end times, keep in mind potential preparation time for facilitators, participants, and for John to travel, transport, and set up.
    • Tip: If you’re unsure, John generally recommends ~1 hour for set up.
  3. Once booked, email John and wait for a confirmation reply.
  4. After the simulation is booked and confirmed, please email John as soon as possible if any updates/changes occur to the information inputted in the Google sheet (including cancellations).

It is now mandatory to fill in the Simulation Learner Sign-in Sheet to record attendance for every session. This is the educator/facilitators responsibility. Please hand it back to John once completed.

If you are a physician conducting the simulation and qualify for reimbursement, please use Physician Reimbursement Sheet as well.

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There is a clinical skills lab (Room 541L) available for booking on the 5th floor, Burrard Building at St. Paul’s Hospital.

*TV is HDMI-enabled

To book the lab, please contact Malavika Menon at